4lb grow bag instructions

  • Step 1 Inject


    • Clean the injection port with an alcohol wipe. Find a place away from drafts of air.
    • In a sterile environment, quickly insert the syringe and inject 5 cc of spores or liquid culture.
    • Wait approximately 3 weeks.
  • Step 2 Mix


    • Once the grain is fully white, break it up and mix evenly with the substrate.
    • After mixing, compact the contents of the bag firmly.
    • Wait another 3 weeks.
  • Step 3 Fruit


    • When the substrate is 100% colonized, unfold and lift the bag from the top to allow it to inflate with air.
    • Wait about 3 weeks.


  • Cut open the bag, twist, and pull the mushrooms at the base.
  • Enjoy your mushrooms!
  • After harvest, the bag can be gently misted and closed with a paperclip to enjoy multiple flushes.